Monday, June 10, 2019

Nova Scotia – Cape Breton 4

Meat Cove
When we were here in 2000 with our family and motorhome, we headed to the northernmost “town,” Meat Cove, but the dirt road and a threatening thunderstorm caused us to turn around. We decided to give it another try.

Our goal was to get soup here.

Such a scenic spot for lunch, but they hadn’t yet opened for the season. So glad Bill packed sandwiches! We overheard a couple from Florida asking about a hiking trail, so decided to follow them. Blow downs required either scrambling under or climbing over fallen trees – too much for Barbara – but Bill made it to the top.

Cabot Landing
As we did in 2000, we stopped at Cabot Landing Provincial Park, a scenic beach with a memorial to John Cabot who landed somewhere near here on June 24th, 1497.

Barbara walked the beach while Bill took a catnap.

Broad Cove Mountain & Mary Ann Falls
Bill had energy for another hike while Barbara rested. He climbed to the top of Broad Cove Mountain with a view of the Atlantic in the distance.

Then he drove the 4-mile dirt road to Mary Ann Falls. Along the way he spotted a moose.

Middle Head
We hiked to the end of Middle Head on our last day on Cape Breton Island.

We spotted the fin and blowing spout of a minke whale. Sorry. He didn't pose for a picture.