Saturday, June 29, 2019

Newfoundland – Twillingate “Uh-ohs”

We had a couple “Uh-ohs” today. The first was that Bill has a cold, but it isn’t bad enough to curtail our plans. So off we went to the trails by Long Point Lighthouse. Bill found a scenic, easy loop we could do together and then Barbara drove off to the lighthouse to look for some letterboxes, while Bill continued along the coast to meet her.

Barbara snapped a shot of an iceberg miles away (our only Twillingate iceberg) and then one of a ferry. She went to take another picture and “Uh-oh!” Our trusty Canon S3 camera stopped working - all the pictures came out white, as if it was ultra over-exposed. Not a major issue as we still have 2 other cameras and cellphones, but Barbara used that camera the most.

Then we went to French Head where there are several loop trails. Another trail system over high cliffs along rocky coastline – a beautiful trail with Twillingate in the distance.

Bill picked out the shortest loop trail to do together and thought he could continue on to one of the longer loops. Still up to more hiking Barbara decided to continue along after the first easy loop. We go around a corner and then come upon a steep scramble. “Uh-oh!” We could have turned around, but Barbara decided to give it go. It was too much for Barbara, but with Bill’s help she made it and the scenery was well worth the effort. :-) 
We topped off the hike taking in the view from a set of red chairs similar to the National Parks’ red Adirondack chairs.
 All three Twillingate trails were spectacular – we wish the pictures better captured the grandeur.

Bill tried to hike one more trail from the campground after dinner, but one last “Uh-oh!” – “Trail closed.” He heard it was due to nesting hawks. Still a great view from our campsite. This is what he saw when he walked down to the water.