Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Newfoundland – Terra Nova

Back in St John’s we saw this picture of an old distorted map of Newfoundland on a sign, calling it “Terra Nova” (New Land). So we know where Terra Nova National Park got its name.

Our campsite is situated on the most inland corner of Newman Sound – with views of the water through the trees. It also is right along a trail that goes along the edge of part of the Sound – the 3-mile Coastal Trail. We left our car at the Visitor Center and hiked the Coastal Trail back to our campsite. This easy, peaceful trail skirted the coast with views through the trees and occasional points right at the water reminding us more of a lake than the ocean.
A short side path led to a small waterfall.
Like yesterday, wildflowers lined the path. 
Lots of butterflies fluttered by.
 And we even found some more red Adirondack chairs! 
 Bill had to hike back to get the car. After lunch we walked Sandy Cove Beach just outside the park. We like beaches framed by rocky shoreline.
 Ever seen a restroom like this?
A pleasant day at Terra Nova!