Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Newfoundland – East Coast Trail 2

The fog cleared the next day, so we tried another section of the trail – the 4-mile Brigus Head Path going from the small harbor towns of Admiral’s Cove to Brigus South. As we started a lady greeted us from her deck. Barbara complimented her beautiful coastal view. We ended up chatting with this Edmonton couple, “trail ambassadors” who vacation here at their coastal home. They gave us a few tips on the trail.

The trail certainly had various conditions. Some parts were easy and well-kept.
Others involved negotiating through mud, climbing over downed trees, etc. There were a lot of ups and downs. A little much for Barbara, but she made it with Bill’s help and Bill was able to take a short cut on a muddy trail back to get the car. Still it was a good hike – got great coastal sounds and lots of glimpses of cliffs & coves, rocky coastline, birds, several icebergs, moose tracks and moose poop, but no moose.

We don’t remember seeing this type of bird before.
We thought this iceberg was shaped like a boat.

Moose tracks.

They call this rock formation Hare’s Ears.

At the end of the day Bill hiked a trail from the campground around a lake to a little waterfall.