Saturday, June 21, 2014

Washington - Gaining Altitude

We ate breakfast looking out over Snoqualmie River. Then we hiked up Rattlesnake Ledge.  Since it was a beautiful Saturday, we think all Seattle chose to hike the trail today, too. The well-engineered trail climbed steadily for 1.9 miles to a majestic view of Mt. Si and Snoqualmie Pass.

Then we went in to Seattle to the Museum of Flight. Heard interesting background of many of the planes in their collection. And Bill toured the inside of a B-17 and saw all the crew stations.  Barbara saw the inside of the Concorde.

Our final stop of the day was the North Bend Library parking lot for WiFi. Glad to get a chance to check email and post this blog.

Day 5 stats 
still in Carnation WA
116 miles for today
3241 total miles