Saturday, November 10, 2018

NM, CO, KS, OH – Friends & Family

We visited friends and family along the way home. Wish we could have even squeezed in longer visits and a few other people, but we hope to return.

Bill’s cousins (on his Mom’s side), Darcy and Melissa, warmly welcomed us to Albuquerque, New Mexico. They invited us to park our trailer right in their driveway and to share in a delicious meal. It was great to spend some time with them.

Then in Denver we visited Bill’s cousin (on his Dad’s side), Shari. It was great to meet her daughter Becky’s family and connect. They took us out to a cool restaurant in a former church. We had the choir loft to ourselves.

The waitress took our order on a tablet. It was the first time we saw a restaurant that uses Toast - a management platform for restaurants and the company where our daughter, Kate, now works.

We only had several days to get from Barbara’s training in Colorado to a different training in Massachusetts, but managed to fit in a few more visits.

In Kansas City we saw Malcolm and Mary Ann. It’s always great to see these friends that go back to Bill’s Vanderbilt days.

We had an ultra quick visit with Bill’s parents and sister in Dayton, but Bill managed to set up their computer for remote access.

We were glad to be neighbors (although for less than 24 hours) with our friends Tom & Karen. They are fulltime RVers who volunteer in the National Parks often doing living history. Here they are at their home in 2018 period dress.

And we saw Bill’s brother and wife conveniently in the same town near Columbus where Tom & Karen were camping. It was a whirlwind trip, but good to catch up with friends & family.