Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Ohio – Aviation Museum

While in Ohio visiting Bill’s parents we spent a day at the National Museum of the United States Air Force.
(picture from the web)

The museum, located northeast of Dayton at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, is the world’s largest military aviation museum. Bill had been many times before, but this was our first time seeing the newly-opened Fourth Building and the first time taking a tour. In fact we took two tours.

Our first tour was a special treat. We targeted going to the museum on the day that Jerry would be giving tours because Jerry, a former air force pilot, is a good friend of Bill’s parents. We so enjoyed Jerry’s explanations, anecdotes, extensive knowledge, and joyful presence. We were blown away by all the information he knew on each plane – and of course there are hundreds of planes. 

This particular tour covered the Early Years and World War II galleries.

Our second tour was in the Fourth Building that just opened last month. The 224,000 square foot hanger houses space vehicles like a Titan missile & shuttle replica, cargo planes, all sorts of experimental aircraft, and, Barbara’s favorite, Presidential planes. Most of this collection had been displayed in a hanger on the base that required taking a shuttle bus, but now it’s just another building of the museum.

Kennedy's Air Force One

We only spent a little time in the other two buildings. Here is Bill in front of a SR-71 Blackbird.

While we were looking at their replica of a missile launch room and comparing it to the real one we toured two years ago we met a former missileer.

Missile launch rooms: 
2016 Ohio museum’s replica (left), 
2014 South Dakota actual launch room (right)

One final word about Jerry. His son is a missionary in Hungary and was the guest preacher at Bill’s parents’ church. He sounded just like Jerry and gave an interesting message on his church’s response to the refugee crisis.