Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Oregon - Cape Lookout

We walked the campground beach in the morning and watched the fog lift.

In the afternoon, we looked back at that beach from a roadside viewpoint.

Barbara dropped Bill off at the Cape Trail with the intent that Bill would hike to the viewpoint at the end of the cape and back (4.8 miles), then hike the trail back to the campground (2.3 miles). Here is Bill at the viewpoint.

The Cape Trail has a handful of places where it pops out to the edge of the cliff. This is the beach south of Cape Lookout.

At this same place, gray whales were surfacing below the cliff and Bill saw the entire whale as it skimmed below the surface of the water.  Can you see the whale in this picture?

The hike had an unexpected challenge – the trail back to the campground was closed due to a damaged footbridge.  No cell service at the campground to call Barbara, so it took a bit of road walking and guessing where to connect back to the trail to make it “home.”  :-)

In the meantime, Barbara sat by the ocean reading and working on her Bible study.

The day ended taking pictures as the sun set over the Pacific.