Wednesday, August 20, 2014

North Dakota to Massachusetts - The Last 2000 Miles

Our original itinerary was a bit aggressive -- driving 2000 miles and visiting 2 relatives in 3.5 days. We are thankful the relatives accommodated our last minute request to move our arrival time, as this allowed us to do it in a more leisurely 4 days.  :-)

We had a delightful visit and delicious meal with Bill’s cousin and his wife in Minnesota. Both were most gracious.

We told Bill’s parents that we’d arrive at their house in Ohio by 6pm for dinner.  We felt great in the morning as our GPS ETA read 5pm.  “Cool!  We’ll be there an hour early.”  Well we hit traffic – bad traffic.  I-74 was shut down in both directions for hours due to a collision involving commercial-grade fireworks that needed a bomb disposal team.  Needless to say we were over an hour late for dinner and we appreciate their holding the meal.  We enjoyed yummy food and got to see Bill’s parents and sister.

Here we are in front of our trailer in Bill’s parents’ driveway.  
We recommend this campsite – very quiet plus it has free wifi.  :-)

Speaking of campsite, our “campsites” for three nights were Walmart parking lots.  They worked out great as we could pull in late and not fuss with finding a site or registering. Plus they didn’t require backing up or leveling, and they were free. Is it a great country or what?

Our own driveway, however, did require backing up and leveling, but we are now home.