Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Oregon – Southern Coast –The Fog Blog

We woke to dense fog, but determined to make the most of our day by heading north to Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor. Our first stop was Lone Ranch Beach – another scenic beach with seastacks and rocks.

We thought this rock should have been called “Scottish Terrier.”

We enjoyed watching and hearing the crashing waves. Even though the sights were limited, the sounds were in full glory.

We took a very, very steep trail down to Whaleshead Beach. As we approached the beach we saw this smiley face.

At the beach Barbara realized she left her phone visible in the car. Worried that the phone and Barbara’s license might get stolen, Bill scampered up the very steep trail to retrieve it. In the meantime Barbara made this for Bill.

As the fog ebbed and flowed we caught glimpses of Whaleshead Island.

Later on Barbara thought she saw a picnic area on the map by Indian Sands. We hiked down a steep hill through the foggy woods

and trudged through sand amongst sculpted sandstone to a bluff.

No picnic area as Barbara misread the map, but we had our lunch on a promontory listening to the crashing waves.

Other viewpoints had fog, but we were glad to experience a little more of the Oregon Coast before heading to California.