Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Massachusetts – A New House Part 1

We sold our house in Sudbury, Massachusetts and have been living without a house for over a year.

Some could call us homeless, but we prefer to call ourselves “house-less.” Besides, we have a home; it just isn’t a house.

We spent the year in our little 108-square foot home which went with us pretty much wherever we went. We looked at real estate, volunteered with Habitat for Humanity, became Florida snowbirds, visited friends & family, and traveled throughout the Eastern US making the most of our “full time RVer” status. (See East Coast Trip 2017 and Appalachian Trip 2017.)
Our trailer heading toward the Blue Ridge Mountains, Virginia
We hadn’t intended to be full-time RVers, but it worked out that way for this season. Trailer living worked out well, but we missed not having a home base. So when we returned to New England at the end of spring, we resumed our house search with the same challenges we had the previous year: a sellers’ market, low inventory, and seemingly hard-to-find criteria – a nice small single-floor house that accommodates our trailer. Finally we found a place and we will be closing on it soon. It’s a new ranch northeast of Springfield, Massachusetts with construction almost complete. Here’s the general location.

Here’s some pictures of the house still under construction.

We still plan to do the same things we were doing when we lived in the trailer (volunteer, travel, and visit family & friends), but now we will have a home base. In fact we’ll be volunteering at a National Park in South Carolina soon (stay tuned), but this year we hope to be in a house for the holidays.