Friday, June 3, 2016

New Hampshire - Little Monadnocks

Back in our dating years we hiked Southern New Hampshire’s 3165ft high Mount Monadnock.
Mt Monadnock from Little Monadnock

We jokingly remember missing a trail and making the hike a little longer than planned. We’ve hiked it several times since.  A monadnock is an isolated hill or ridge rising above a plain. Mount Monadnock stands out, though some smaller mountains surround it. This past week, we hiked two of these smaller mountains.

The first was PACK MONADNOCK at 2290ft. Pack Monadnock means “little monadnock.” Pack Monadnock holds good memories for us, as we’ve both hiked and driven to the summit with special family and friends. When our daughter, Carrie, was just 3 years old, we were proud of her for hiking all the way up; then she slept all the way down the mountain on Bill’s shoulders.
with Barbara's parents 1998

with Bill's parents 2006

This week we hiked up the Marion Davis Trail – a 1.4mi hike with an 800ft elevation change. Barbara liked this mountain, considering it more her level than the larger monadnock.

Barbara on Pack Monadnock

Bill at Pack Monadnock summit
Our second monadnock hike was the somewhat redundantly named LITTLE MONADNOCK, the smallest of these mountains at 1900ft. This was new territory for us. The trail we took to the top started at Rhododendron State Park with its 0.6 mile handicapped accessible loop trail through an amazing grove of rhododendrons. Some day we’ll have to come back in mid-July when the flowers bloom. Then we took the 1-mile spur trail 700ft up Little Monadnock and, like our previous hike, got a view of Mount Monadnock near the top.
Bill at trail entrance

Barbara on Rhodoodendron Loop Trail
Barbara at Little Monadnock summit

In the meantime we are enjoying our lake view home while still looking at real estate when things come up.