Saturday, June 11, 2016

Massachusetts - Farm Work Part 1

Our daughter, Kate, joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture Farm) this year where she and her boyfriend work weekly on a farm in exchange for fresh produce. 

We decided to contribute to some of their hours of labor and share in her experience, so yesterday we did some farm work.

We joined Kate at the farm at 8am with about a dozen other workers. We felt like farm hands when we rode in the back of the beat up pickup truck through the bumpy field to the rows of crops. Lucky for us, the ominous cloud we saw didn’t turn into a storm, because they work rain or shine. Along with 2 interns, Bill and Barbara harvested a row of a type of early spinach. We started at one end and the interns worked from the other end. We picked out weeds and bad leaves while filling crates with good leaves.
the interns at the end of the row of spinach
Bill carrying a crate of spinach

the spinach

In the meantime, Kate had a different harvesting assignment.

Afterward the three of us joined some other workers and harvested pea tendrils. We hadn’t heard of them before, but they can be used to make a pesto. The field was endless, but the work was done when we made enough bundles for all the CSA members.
Bill and Kate