Thursday, November 8, 2018

Colorado – Colorado Springs

After Joshua Tree National Park we headed west to Albuquerque and then north to Colorado Springs. Our campsite on the side of Cheyenne Mountain looked down on Colorado Springs…

and looked up at the old NORAD bunker and the top of Cheyenne Mountain.

We were in Colorado Springs for Barbara to attend training for a new position with Community Bible Study. Before training, we visited Garden of the Gods. The forecast looked great, so we were surprised to find this when we arrived.

We caught a snow squall just as we arrived at the visitor center. With diminished visibility outside, we dawdled inside.

Lucky for us, it stopped snowing just as we started to walk around the rock formations.

And then it cleared up.

Then Barbara spent several days at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort where she attended Community Bible Study Training. Here are the women who trained with Barbara from the Northeast Region.

The hotel had a nice view of Cheyenne Mountain. Bill and the trailer were on the left side of the mountain. Bill hiked in the state park while Barbara attended the training.